Selenium foundation program: Before installing Java for Selenium Web-driver framework automation, install Java Development Kit (JDK) and Java Run-time Environment (JRE) on your windows computer.
Setting up System variables & ClassPath – Follow below screens:
ClassPath Setu-p:
- Create a new project by following below screen
Add Selenium Jar files to project
- Adding jar files during project creation
- Adding jar files after creating a project
- Navigate to Oracle Official site here.
- Click on “Download” button as shown below
- Click on “Accept License Agreement”, which are displayed upon clicking “Download button.
- Check your operating system and download the file. (32bit / 64bit)
- Quickly run the downloaded installer, which installs both the JDK (Java Development Kit) and JRE (Java Run-time).
- Install JDK and by Default Java installs at this place “C:/Program Files/Java”.
- Java folder contain two folder of name “jdk1.8.0_111” and “jre1.8.0_111” as shown below.
Setting up System variables & ClassPath – Follow below screens:
- Right Click on My Computer.
- Now click on Advanced System Setting.
System Variables setu-p:
- Check the installation using CMD prompt.
- Click on “Start” button.
- Type “CMD” and open as an “Administrator”.
- Enter command “java –version”
- Enter command "java" to check for java jdk/jre installation.
Steps to download and Install Eclipse IDE for selenium automation testers:
- Go-to Eclipse site to download "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers". Carefully check the 32/64 bit version before downloading. (Click on Download Package hyperlink)
- Upon clicking above hyperlink, user is navigated to page where he/she can download the "Eclipse IDE for Java developers" software.
- Once clicked on the version, user is navigated to a page shown below. Just click download button.
Install the "package.exe" file and save it in the default folder. (System will populate the default folder)
Steps to download the Selenium drivers for Java Client:
- Download the Selenium drivers for Java Client here. You will also get other client drivers for other programming languages there, but choose Java only.
- Selenium driver for java client contains ZIP file named "". Just extract the zip file contents to your local "C:/" drive. This directory contains all the JAR files that we would later import on Eclipse.
Steps to configure "Eclipse IDE" with Web-Driver:
- Double click on "Eclipse" icon
- Set workspace
Steps to create a sample project:
Create a sample project- Create a new project by following below screen
Add Selenium Jar files to project
- Adding jar files during project creation
- Adding jar files after creating a project
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