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Showing posts from December, 2016

Guide to install selenium web-Driver from selenium foundation program

Selenium foundation program: Before installing Java for Selenium Web-driver framework automation, install Java Development Kit (JDK) and Java Run-time Environment (JRE) on your windows computer. Navigate to Oracle Official site here . Click on “Download” button as shown below Click on “Accept License Agreement”, which are displayed upon clicking “Download button. Check your operating system and download the file. (32bit / 64bit)    Quickly run the downloaded installer, which installs both the JDK ( Java Development Kit ) and JRE ( Java Run-time ). Install JDK and by Default Java installs at this place “C:/Program Files/Java”. Java folder contain two folder of name “jdk1.8.0_111” and “jre1.8.0_111” as shown below. Setting up System variables & ClassPath – Follow below screens: Right Click on My Computer. Now click on Advanced System Setting. System Variables setu-p: ClassPath Setu-p: Check the installation using CMD pro...

7 Essential points you need to know about selenium automation frameworks

Introduction In this blog "Selenium Foundation Program", we will talk about selenium web-Driver foundation concepts for automation frameworks and understand " when to use these concepts " and " which type of selenium web-Driver automation framework " to be used, and we will also discuss very basics about selenium IDE and Web-Driver with java code. The main objective of this foundation blog is to help the Selenium automation tester to gain knowledge on Web-Driver skills. Here, we will explain clearly on “ what type of selenium automation framework to be used ” and “ when to use that specific type of selenium automation framework ”. We will also discuss some popular selenium web-driver framework interview questions. What is Selenium API? Selenium API is a free portable and convenient open source automated testing suite for web applications. This is quite similar to HP Unified Functional Testing (UFT) only that Selenium focuses on automati...