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Showing posts from January, 2017

Everything You Need To Know About Sikuli A GUI automation tool

Selenium Sikuli for Visual flows automation: Introduction: Selenium Sikuli , A tool to automate the GUI test scripts using image recognition method. Sikuli allows users to automate visual work flows using a screenshots (specific method called “ Visual Image Match ”), in this method all the elements of the webpage are snipped and saved in .png / supported file formats. Sikuli, by using “Visual Image Match” algorithm, it will match the stored image with the image on the web-elements and performs the scripted action. Practical Uses: Ø Useful to automate Flash objects Ø Automating stable GUI components / Objects / Web-elements Ø Automating window based applications Ø Used to automate Audio/Video player, Desktop & Flash games on websites Sikuli Benefits: Ø Free Open Source Automation Tool Ø Automating flash enabled web-elements and objects Ø Can automate web-elements without ID/Name Download Sikuli Jar files: Ø...

Selenium Foundation Program - How to configure Selenium-IDE in Firefox

How to install Selenium-IDE? - Step-1: Firefox installation                 Navigate to:                 Click “ Download ” button                 Install the downloaded .exe file                 Click finish to launch the Firefox browser - Step-2: Install Selenium-IDE in Firefox browser                 Launch Firefox browser                 Navigate to                 Scroll down until you reach the “ Selenium IDE ” section (Click on hyperlink)                 Click on the “Allow” button to proceed with the installation. ...

Selenium Foundation Program - Introduction to Selenium-IDE

Introduction to Selenium-IDE: Selenium integrated development environment ( Selenium-IDE ) is a software automation testing tool used to automate web based applications. Selenium-IDE is one of the simplest and easiest tools that are released as a Firefox plug-in. This tool is simply a record and playback plug-in that allows recording the test scripts. The advantage of Selenium-IDE is that the user is not required to have any prior programming knowledge to record the script. But user should have basic knowledge in understanding HTML, DOMS and JavaScript to create test scripts using this tool. Selenium-IDE supports only Firefox, and all scripts created will be executed only in Firefox browser being a Firefox plug-in, Selenium-IDE supports only Firefox, thus the created test scripts could be executed only on Firefox. Because of few limitations in automating complex test scripts we have other tools like Selenium-RC and Selenium Web...

Selenium Foundation Program - Introduction to Selenium

Introduction to Selenium What is Selenium Tool? Selenium is a free (open-source) automated testing suite for web applications across different browsers and platforms. It is quite similar to HP Quick Test Pro (QTP) / HP Unified Functional Test (UFT) only that Selenium focuses on automating web-based applications. Selenium is not just a single tool; Selenium is a suite of software's , each component has its own advantages and disadvantages. Click here to know more about  Selenium birth picture &  Selenium components . What are the features of selenium automation tool? Ø Selenium is Free and open-source tool. Ø Automation of AJAX/CSS applications is easy. Ø Good cross browser testing tool. Ø Contains record and playback ( Selenium-IDE ) facility. Ø Best for GUI-intelligent field selection (uses IDs, names, or X-Paths as needed). Ø Auto-complete feature available in IDE for all common commands. Ø User-fr...

Selenium Foundation Program - Introduction to Automation Testing

What is automation testing? Automated testing tools are capable of executing tests, reporting outcomes and comparing results with earlier test runs. Tests carried out with these tools can be run repeatedly, at any time of day. The method or process being used to implement automation is called a test automation framework. What is the difference between manual testing and automation testing? Automation Testing Manual Testing Automation testing perform the same operation each time Manual testing is not reliable. Using this method test execution is not accurate all the time. Automation testing is very much helpful regressions in testing where code changes frequently. To execute ...