Selenium Sikuli for Visual flows automation: Introduction: Selenium Sikuli , A tool to automate the GUI test scripts using image recognition method. Sikuli allows users to automate visual work flows using a screenshots (specific method called “ Visual Image Match ”), in this method all the elements of the webpage are snipped and saved in .png / supported file formats. Sikuli, by using “Visual Image Match” algorithm, it will match the stored image with the image on the web-elements and performs the scripted action. Practical Uses: Ø Useful to automate Flash objects Ø Automating stable GUI components / Objects / Web-elements Ø Automating window based applications Ø Used to automate Audio/Video player, Desktop & Flash games on websites Sikuli Benefits: Ø Free Open Source Automation Tool Ø Automating flash enabled web-elements and objects Ø Can automate web-elements without ID/Name Download Sikuli Jar files: Ø...
This blog mainly discus about foundations of selenium programs like Selenium IDE, Selenium Web-Driver, Sikuli and basics of different automation frameworks like Maven, Cucumber, TestNg and Appium (Mobile Testing).